Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

Staying in the mosque, Roby Police Arrested

Staying in the mosque, Roby Police Arrested

Robi Gayustika everyday living in Glodok Area mosque, Taman Sari, West Jakarta. He was later arrested by the police of Police Taman Sari. Why?

Apparently, he waited guise of a mosque just as bad during this activity. Not because the mood to repent, not being to approach the Creator He ndekem in the mosque.

Apparently, this Robi toggle the seller. The worse, he dared to offer gambling toggle to neighbors around the mosque.

According Kanit Reskrim Polsek Taman Sari, Kompol Ferio Ginting, resentful and restless people know crime suspects. Community and report suspects to the police.

"People are anxious because the suspects were day-to-day living in the mosque, instead offering gambling toggle in the region," said Ferio as reported by detik.com  on Friday.

Ferio said, after receiving reports of it went straight to the perpetrator. Before long, players were caught in a vacant lot in Glodok.

"From the hands of offenders successfully secured hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and rekapan 11 sheets of paper," Ferio lid. Well why not all people to the mosque aims Both? ###

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